Large, durable structure tents

Disaster Relief Tent Rental

iRentEverything offers large, structured tents for all your disaster relief needs.

Get your command center or disaster relief basecamp set up quickly and effectively with our deployment team.

Suitable for All Types of Disaster Relief

Our wide range of tents can help you and your team create the set-up you need to help those in need.

Green icon showcasing natural disaster relief

Natural Disasters

Our rental tents can help provide shelter and emergency services for those displaced or endangered due to natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. Because our tents can be up and running within hours, they’re a great option for disaster relief from natural disasters.

Hurricane Tent


Florida may be the state that sees the most hurricanes, but these massive storms have also been known to hit elsewhere. Hurricane Katrina slammed New Orleans and Hurricane Sandy flooded New York. In hurricane response, rental tents can offer shelter for first responders and evacuees, storage for food and other supplies, and even a medical tent.

Earthquake Tent


Earthquakes can be devastating and can harm both people and property. First responders will need somewhere to shelter and to work. Those whose homes are uninhabitable will also need a tent in which to stay. If there are injuries, a rental tent can be used to handle medical emergencies. Yet more tents can function as storage for supplies.

Flood Tent


Once the floodwaters have receded, it’s time to assess the damage and help people where possible. Homes may be destroyed or otherwise uninhabitable, so rental tents can provide people with places to stay. Tents can also store supplies that those people will need to live. On top of that, tents can store materials needed for the cleanup operation.

Green icon showcasing medical emergency response

Medical Emergencies

Medical emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic created a large need for transportable shelters. Our disaster relief tents can be used for testing sites, triage, or expanding sections of hospitals.

Covid-19 tent


The COVID-19 pandemic required the expansion of medical services for both treating the disease and vaccinating as many people against it as possible. While the quarantine phase of COVID-19 is largely over, there’s always the possibility of future pandemics.

Pandemic tent


Rental tents can be set up anywhere, making it easier to roll out vaccines across the country. Hospital facilities can also be expanded or set up in more remote areas without access to a hospital so that more people can be more readily treated.

Green icon showcasing government response

Government Response

When the government responds to a disaster, they need places to keep supplies, keep citizens safe, and regroup. Our tents can provide all of that and more, which is why many government agencies trust iRentEverything for disaster relief tent rentals.

Pandemic tent


In an emergency that required government first responders, many people might be without homes. Rental tents can provide them with shelter.

Pandemic tent

Medical Tents

Injuries and illnesses can be treated in a secure, clean tent that can be set up anywhere that it’s needed.

Pandemic tent

Supplies Storage

Any emergency situation is going to require supplies, from food and water for victims to tools for cleanup to medicines and first aid supplies to treat illnesses and injuries.

Green icon showcasing military response

Military Response

Military units are constantly on the move, and their response to disasters has to be seamless and quick. Our disaster relief tent rentals can help the military set up in affected areas to take care of citizens.

Military Tent

Military Barracks

If the military is required to respond to an emergency or other disaster scenario, then somewhere for them to stay is needed. Rental tents can function as military barracks as well as command centers when needed.

Pandemic tent

Equipment Storage

No matter the type of emergency, there will be supplies that need to be stored. This might be weapons, food, first aid supplies, vaccines, water, bandages, clothing, vehicles, and more.

Everything you need

Our Installation Options

Whether you’re running a small-scale operation or a large basecamp with a lot of personnel, our team can help you create the most effective, logical layout possible.



Our tents can be equipped with bunks for military personnel, displaced citizens, or disaster relief providers.

Mobile HVAC


Our disaster relief tents can come equipped with HVAC to keep both those affected by the disaster and those affected by it comfortable. HVAC is especially crucial in heat waves when many people could fall ill with heat exhaustion.

Mobile Kitchens


Our rental tents can include kitchens, perfect for cooking for people in need and responders delivering critical care.

Medical Station


Because our tents can be equipped with electricity, lighting, HVAC, and more, they are also perfect for medical teams. Our tents can easily be used to expand hospitals that are out of space, offer frontline care in the field, and triage patients.



Our teams can equip your disaster relief tents with lighting so you can continue to offer disaster relief when the sun has gone down.

Mobile Command Center

Mobile Command Center

With tents of all sizes and capabilities, you can easily create a mobile command center using our disaster relief rentals.

Power Generator


iRentEverything’s disaster relief tents can provide you with electricity to help fuel your disaster relief efforts. In addition to keeping lights running, power helps run refrigerators, medical equipment, and air conditioning.

Mobile Showers


Add showers to your rental to create the ultimate disaster relief station for those who have been displaced from their homes.

Sink Station


Having running water in your rental ensures you can keep everything clean, which is of the utmost importance in medical emergencies.

Mobile Toilets


iRentEverything also rents portable toilets to ensure both responders and people affected can continue to be sanitary during the emergency response process.

Trusted by the best

Who We’ve Worked With

We’ll come to you

Nationwide Deployment

No matter where you need deployment, we can help. Our team has stations across the United States with the ability to transfer equipment quickly.

Clearspan, structured tents

How our tents are different

Any size or shape

Our modular structures allow us to create any design that you need

Immediate availablity

Get your tent as soon as you need it with our vast inventory

Choose your wall material

Establish the look that you want with either glass or durable PVC walls

Wheelchair accessibility

Create an accessible space with sturdy ramps at all entrances

Secure your inventory

For multi-day events, simply lock up the doors and know that your inventory is safe inside

Crowd control

Fencing and Stanchions

Mantain a steady flow of traffic and keep people where they’re supposed to be with our comprehensive fencing services. Contact us to view our wide selection of styles and functionality to find the perfect fit for your needs.

Traffic Cone
Dark Fence
Light Fence
Orange Barrier

Contact us

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    Online Orders Closed During Holiday Season

    Our team is taking some deserved time off, so online orders are closed on 12/24,12/25, 12/31, and 1/1. Have an urgent need during this time? Give our team a call at (407) 405-1812.(407) 405-1812

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